The Ten Commandments of Fascism

Tymen VanDyk
2 min readJan 30, 2017

In the Beginning,
We the People,
Didn’t Stop Believing,
In the American Dreaming.

Then came Forth,
The Spire and the Steeple,
They made of Truth a Wraith,
And they stained your Faith.

And now they’re taking,
The Will of the People,
Giving the Constitution a shaking,
And it’s your rights they’re forsaking.

Instead of Freedom, a Constitution, and Amendments,
what you’re getting is The Ten Fascist Commandments.

Number Ten

Stand Proud, Stand Tall.
Stand Proud, Stand Tall.
Wave that Flag high,
While we fool you all.

Number Nine

Hate Muslims, Hate Hispanics.
Hate Muslims, Hate Hispanics.
We’ll build a wall,
While you hide and you panic.

Number Eight

Soldiers and Cops, Military up,
Soldiers and Cops, Military up,
Protect and Serve,
We the Power on top.

Number Seven

Control your Women,
Control your Women,
Keep’em in the Bedroom,
and of course, in the Kitchen.

Number Six

Fake News, Faux News,
Fake News, Faux News,
What does the “Fox” say,
Whatever, you lose.

Number Five

Church and State,
Church and State,
Working hand in hand,
To multiply your hate.

Number Four

The Corporate Spire,
The Corporate Spire,
Workers losing ground,
While the Profits go higher.

Number Three

The Company Store,
The Company Store,
Your wages get cut,
While the Company takes more.

Number Two

Knowledge is Power,
Knowledge is Power,
Artists and Scientists,
Locked in their Ivory Towers.

Number One

Weed out the Vote,
Weed out the Vote,
Then we steal the election,
And after we can gloat.

Your Republics in a state,
So you see, my friends,
I hope it’s not too late,
For you to change your fate.

I see two paths through this predicament,
You pull back from the brink,
and reaffirm your commitment,
to your Constitution and Amendments.


You watch it all burn,
Waiting for the ending,
Without too much concern,
Hoping like a Phoenix, your Republic will Return.

Either way, I hope you turn the tide,
And rise up to save your Nationwide.


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Tymen VanDyk

Unapologetic Poet ( Gamer (Tabletop and Computer), Occasional Blogger. Reader of Books. Consumer of Media.